Home » Natural Resources » Shell Lake-Yellow River Farmer-Led Watershed Council » Incentive Program
Incentive Program

Our council wants to share resources and knowledge to help producers get started with practices that help protect water quality. We do this through our educational events and incentive program.
Current Programs:
Soil Testing: $5 per acre
You can save money on fertilizer and other soil amendments by knowing what nutrients are already in the soil. Soil testing gives you the information you need to decide what to apply and how much, and it is the backbone of good nutrient management.
You may take the sample yourself, use a consultant or contact the county. In order to receive payment, you must be able to provide proof of sampling and analysis. If you need a soil probe, soil-testing bags, soil maps or help in filling out the submission form contact Brent Edlin (see below). He can also provide information on what the tests results mean and actions you can take to address soil concerns.
- Typical Sampling: 10 cores per sample, one sample per five acres.
- Routine Analysis: Includes pH, lime requirement, organic matter, phosphorus, potassium, and nutrient recommendations.
- Suggested optional micro nutrient analysis:
- field or sweet corn – Sulfate-Sulfur & Zinc
- legume forage – Boron & Sulfate-Sulfur
- specialty or vegetable crops – Boron, Zinc, & Manganese
- Cost at UW Soil and Forage Lab: Routine $8 per sample, Optional micro $3 per micro nutrient test
Cover crops: $20 per acre
Cover crops are a tool that can have many benefits, including improving soil health and use as a forage. Cover crops may include any species of small grain (winter rye is recommended). Multi Species mixes are eligible. The cover crop must be planted in a growing crop or after harvest and no later than October 15 to be eligible. There is limited funds with priority given to those planting on highly erodible land. Council members are available to provide guidance (see mentorship).
Mentorship: 50% cost share up to 20 acres
Learn how producers are making conservation practices work in our area through a hands-on experience. Council members are offering their expertise on no-till, cover crops, rotational grazing and related areas to farmers within the watershed who apply for this program. The program includes 3 hours of one-on-one coaching plus hands-on learning with equipment with 50% cost share up to 20 acres. Equipment can either be rented or the mentor’s. Simply sign up to get connected to a mentor.
To sign up or ask questions, contact Brent Edlin at 715-468-4654 or bedlin@co.washburn.wi.us
Click here to see if your land is eligible.